Biobanking for Precision Medicine Seminar Series

Opportunity: Data Management and Sharing in Cancer Moonshot Data Coordination Centers for IOTN, DRSN/ARTNet, and HTAN

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET

Location: Virtual Event: Register Here

Description: We invite you to attend the Biobanking for Precision Medicine Seminar Series.

The seminar series is brought to you by NCI’s Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Branch (BBRB) and addresses current topics in biobanking science, policy, and operations. In the era of precision medicine, high-quality biospecimens are central to understanding complex diseases, biomarker discovery, and unraveling the mechanisms of resistance to therapies. This seminar series is intended to be forward-looking with a focus on improving awareness of best practices for collection of biospecimens and associated data as well as expanding research participation through biobanking.

Our focus for fall/winter 2023 is on the theme of data sharing in biobanking studies and research that uses biospecimens. The seminar by Drs. Hutson, Liu, and Lash is the third of a five-part mini-series on this topic.

More Information / Registration: url